Monday, August 24, 2009

Coffee Prince..

hye pple, assalamualaikum....

ahh...i'm really addicted to dis korean drama (Coffee Prince)... klu bley nk soh director 2 bwt sambungn die je..cendawan spent about 17 hours watching dis ending die mcm x brape best! adushh.. mmg la the hero & the heroin live together happily ever after tp die punye scene yg last tu mcm x brape mnarek..but overall cter 2 mmg SYOK!! hehe... ny sume angkara my sis lah.. die ajak tgk dis drama so cendawan pon tgk je ah..interesting!! tgk punye tgk smpai 17 jam.. hahaha.. lgpon tgh puase kn so cendawan xnk ah bwt keje2 yg memenatkn... tgk drama ny xde la penat mne.. hehe.. here are some of da pics of dis drama.. :

lurve dis drama!!

all da princes...

ni Go Eue Chan..heroin cter ny..die cute kn? die boyish..rmai confuse die ny laki ke prmpuan..

ni plak hero Coffee Prince..Han Kyul nme die..handsome bley thn! haha..

da hero n heroin..look sweet together!

so sape yg rase nk tgk Coffee Prince ny pepandai la download sndri..hehe.. x pon klu ade yg b'minat cendawan ade dvd die..inform je la klu nk pinjam..kayh bubye!

cendawan :)


  1. jgn asyik tengok citer korea ni. pegi tolong jaga adam hehehe

  2. HAHAHA cendawan lova lova ? :DD

  3. awk sori la kte x minat cte nie...hehehehehe..kte minat cte boys over flowers..hahahahahahahahah....pipah2
